Sunday, June 9, 2024


Four Years Ago Free Press News and Civil Rights Were Ridiculed And Shackeled By Covert Means. The Progressive Press And Empire Oligarchs Propagandized Their Way To Impose Their Desires Upon US 🇺🇸 And The World 🌎. 


Today asking questions seems very prudent to me. So maybe others too are ready to ask good hard questions about everything. Yes 👍? 
Consider these data. - Add your comment - Share - Correct - Debunk - Rant or Pray - You control the volume!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fort Bragg - Censorship, Corona Facts, and The Virus Wars 2020

Virus Wars 2020 - Only pill pirates, oligarchs, and politicians write scripts like this one? The Hidden Corona Wars! CENSORSHIP AND TYRANNY ARE LURKING... CAN YOU FEEL IT?
How does thought control science work? Thought control is powerful because it is a simple science designed to pervert true science into fake science. Thought control has existed for a long time. The simple science of thought control has far more power today than it had during WWII. Today thought control has A.I. and computers and social media and the internet to amplify it. Proven thought control methods are causing much perverted science today which are accepted with disastrous effects upon vast populations in the world and the USA.

Censorship is one highly proven tool and method for mind control. Used and studied for centuries around the world, censorship has often driven free speech and a free press underground. Today we  find many fake science arguments given to justify censorship in the "free world".  A free world only exists where and when choice and speech freedoms are practiced. The above interview was worth hearing I think. Those who made that video presented free speech I think. Those who oppose free speech use censorship, labels, and other more aggressive tools to suppress and coerce free speech.

To see how companies do it a simple study of the internet can prove their thought control methods and practices without hiding. Labeling, branding are out in the open. Coersion is hidden and insidious. Censorship is partly hidden and partly visible. How and why Google censors this free press and many other free press news too are a back story. Their methods and practice of those methods are accepted by people and courts. How Wikipedia does it accepted too, partly hidden and partly visible.
The Wikipedia censorship I used to try and challenge. Should not edits at Google or Wikipedia be based upon simple all true algorithems. Edits that are true mathematically 100% correct ought be accepted and edits that are partially correct or with any error ought be rejected. Opinion, permission, or authorized user codes in agorithems are how censorship evolves into thought control. Is not this a simple fact? Real science does real research based upon simple, thorough, 100% correct math equations.... partial truth and error are not scientific and they do not stand up 100% challenges.
Wikipedia took my ability to challenge them and suggest edits for their mistakes and to point out also to some of their other incorrect or mistaken information. They have people and rules that allow them to dismiss suggestions or edits from inputs for other reasons, other than validity of the suggestion or  edit. For that reason they lack scientific reasoning to what they publish. Why allow their add on censorship math errors in their equations to destroy better scientific content.

The following information from Wikipedia cites some reasons to censor and dismiss suggested edits and suggestions. None were scientific or based upon the validity of what was suggested. One reason they censored me was my AVAST VPN IP address and encrypted service that I use. Note another longer unexplained censorship block extends to 2023 without explanation. Efforts to follow their instruction are difficult. They suggested now when I attempted, that I send an email into their black hole email address.

Freedom and justice and real science are important don't you think?

 You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reasons:
  • Your IP address is in a range that has been blocked on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis. The block was made by Jon Kolbert ( The reason given is No Open Proxy: Avast! VPN - Contact stewards if you are affected Using ISP Rangefinder.
    • Start of block: 19:48, 17 July 2019
    • Expiry of block: 19:48, 17 July 2020
    Your current IP address is and the blocked range is Please include all above details in any queries you make. If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the No open proxies global policy. Otherwise, to discuss the block please post a request for review on Meta-Wiki or send an email to the stewards OTRS queue at including all above details.
  • Your username or IP address has been blocked. The reason given is:
    There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address.
    • Start of block: 03:13, 23 April 2020
    • Expiration of longest block: 03:23, 17 February 2023
    • Relevant block IDs: #9041459, #9353024 (your IP address may also be blacklisted)
    Your current IP address is Please include all above details in any queries you make.

More than germs are in full bloom this spring. Hedge funds, oligarchs and large business are taking out competition. They devour new business and small business as lock downs dominate world news and propaganda. Later the property and assets of middle class will be harvested as blame and politics hide their deeds. Behind these wars are secret and not so secret hidden wars. Fully engaged now, some of the body politic oppose Imperialists, Empires, and Oligarch Families. Battles escalate as we near April. Citizens are hunkered down as many big events go down in America and around the world. You gotta look hard today to see what is hidden behind loud propaganda drum beats that exhorts us to  - Read all about it.

-Extra Extra -- "Buy The Pandemic"? 
So... now consider this interview with Zach Vorhies, "The Google Whistle Blower." 

Now consider these data. What do you think?

Do you remember and DID YOU Watch Trump Eat THE Peach?

Our path is clear. - Stop Criminal Elections - End Political Payoffs - Eliminate Insider Class Warfare By Oligarch Families. American Oligarch Families And Their Minions Are Engaged In Coup D'etat. They Have Escalated Their Civil War To Phase III in 2020. So consider this.  Who Is Who? What Is What? When Is Win?
Look Back At This - Did It Make Sense?

Bernie VS Don - Can Trump help Americans to help themselves? Does Bernie make failed  promises to an uninformed electorate? New Federal assistance programs for Americans need to replace many current failed, ineffective corrupt programs to make a healthy nation. Makes good sense too. Today, are not more assistance given when you try and do less? Are not people punished by reductions in their assistance if they try to do more? These are simple facts which explains much about why our current assistance programs fail to deliver good results.

Assistance as a reward? Will it work?

People who work harder and make good efforts to contribute despite their challenges and limitations, need to receive Federal assistance as their reward and incentive, rather than cutting their benefits if they provide a good effort. Family and others who see them making good efforts agree they should be appreciated without losing assistance, and they support these ideas. A better way to help? Helping people help themselves is a much better attitude and is more beneficial and is more efficient than are the current self serving bureaucratic social service systems. Capitalism must support new and better models of social assistance or society will fail. The math is good. Ben Carson can you apply these concepts to Federal housing programs? What about Food Stamps, General Assistance and VA programs? SSI too can apply the ideas. Mr. Trump, are you listening? 

The Fort Bragg Free Press News Blog is both black listed and censored. These are our 2020 badges of honor, bestowed by Google. Please spread a good word about the ideas we share. 

American Good Effort Assistance Programs - Simple math and logic... do what you do - help.


Remember Q insights on Jan. 21 2020.

Study the links. 

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Free Press News Blog - December 31, 2019

The Free Press News Blog - Censored And Embattled. 2019 We Recorded Blow by Blow, The Facts Of An American Coup D'etat.

Can Donald Eat A Peach? Enjoy the show. Listen to Eat A Peach, by The Almond Brothers Band. Then consider the Q saga InTheMatrixxx video. Did you take the red pill? If so, listen to some X22Report videos and hear very fresh and new ideas.

Deep State Swamp Wars. Did Empire Oligarchs Railroad The Trump Train With Their Kangaroo Congress? A Fake News Cloud Has Set The Stage For Pelosi Of Oz To Launch; Blackmail, Murder and Mayhem. Why? She has to. Her crimes and the crimes by her son are calling to her, straight from the grave. She must now kill or be killed. She and others have been working for some very dark lords with help from George Sorros. This is her undoing. 

Study the links. 

The X22 Report - Does Dave Make Sense?


Do Oligarchs Still ATTACK Using Crooked Courts? Welcome To An American Soft Coup De"TaTaTa. 

Empire oligarchs control many; juDges, stacKed juRies, propagandiZed mEdia, corruPt and/or coMpromised poliTicians, crooKed goverNment eMployees, deep state Agency goons and their handlers. Patriot families oppose empire families and they have some crooks too.... but compared to empire enthusiasts patriots are a more ethical, honest, less crooked group with a broader base and a they plan much larger roles for workers and middle class families. The patriot coalition works to expand the American golden age of prosperity and to preserve; freedoms, liberties, and justice. To preserve the golden age, patriots are expanding and empowering the middle class. Empire stooges oppose a broad, widespread prosperity. Empire people are monopolistic seeking only prosperity for a few... plus themselves. Today much dirty work by empire oligarchs is designed to spearhead a modern civil war. 

Google search - American coup d'etat December 2019. 

Here comes da judge stooge... Google this judge for 2019.  She steered a bad court off a cliff. Search Ketanji Brown Jackson. She is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. In 2016, she was reportedly interviewed as one of Barack Obama's potential nominees for the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia. Wikipedia BornSeptember 1970 (age 49 years), Washington, D.C., United States SpousePatrick G. Jackson (m. 1996) 

Deep state science is being used to foment civil war. Where and Y? Criminal by their methods and using poor actors Civil wars are testing humanity. Will Americans survive this current modern soft civil war with any freedom still intact? 

Mental and physical slavery are upon us. Imposed by bad actors who take power for themselves and their masters, without making, doing or providing anything useful for humanity. Today, a soft coup d'etat is the method used to simply take power. Often used by international oligarch families, many coup d'etat around the world are underway.  Did not a few societies during the Golden Ages outperform grandiose empires and conquerors? Study what happened as free thought, innovation, and open free speech fomented dynamic sharing of information by diligent and motivated people. Great leadership from people who earned it with diligent efforts, real facts, solid logic, careful communications, and much cooperation. Those who took power using tanks around the capital or inside the square, or those who orchestrate modern soft coup d'etat using captured media and corrupt schools are evil takers who promise anything and  pit all sides against each other. George Soros is a good case study. Study his use of; education, media, art, and mayhem to profit from espionage in WW2 and now by soft coup d,etat around the world, at a great expense to humanity. Casualties of the soft coup d'etat are buried alive or dead. Seth Rich,  Julian Assange, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and many other's are casualties in America who suffer today from censorship, prison, or death because they exercise/ed free speech. Even small voices like The Free Press News Blog, here in Fort Bragg California, are muzzled today. Mr. Trump and his family are three years now crucified by news monopolies controlled by only a very few people. Even as I write today, mental abuse and slavery grow rampant among us, spawned by censorship and mayhem. Do Infowars exist.
Maybe - Go see for yourself.

Current studies of ongoing soft coups are in Hong Kong, Syria, Iran, Bolivia, France, England, and America. Each reveal modern methods for  coup d'etat that are in progress. It is easier to evaluate coup troubles that are far from home. Why? Threats that are near cause anger and fear which cloud thinking. Understand what is happening. Ask Y. Learn how... and then you are ready to see where. Things become very clear, anger subsides, and  minds sharpen. With clear sharp minds, we can ask for; inspiration, wisdom, and courage from almighty God. With clear, inspired minds sharply focused, we can each do our part well.  

Swamp Rats. Who Are The Crooks? Is DC Corruption Real...  IS DONALD JUST AFRAID OF SLEEPY JOE?  Fear seems a long shot. Joe Is Not Formidable -  Logic and Evidence Indicate Joe Could Be Running for office, to avoid prosecution. Listen To The Ukraine Call By inTHEMatRIXXX below.  What do you think? After the Q... ask Y.

In monopoly games, eventually rolling the dice becomes pointless for most players. This happens as risks for making a move exceed potential rewards. The http internet was free and robust. The internet now is conquered by the https empire. What to do? A free web based upon content and merit for high placement in search parameters can attract many new ventures, new talent too, plus intelligent viewers = capital investments in freedom. Will bold capitalist seize upon this opportunity before freedom is extinct? Will we support new platforms that are being developed now and can the old http platform be made safe using VPN? Can the new platforms compete with the https empire? Monopolies controlled by a few international oligarch families threaten to enslave humanity. Can a free web compete with their diabolical schemes?  A very good question I think. What do you think? Who is Q?

Matrixxx and Shady Do Q-anon. Where are Wikileaks Data and Julian Assange? The AG is not stupid. Is Congress at war with Liberty, Justice and Freedom? Can American governance root out evil from their bowels?  Propaganda, opinion and speculation are not facts. Beliefs are a choice. Y not be aware of what and when we choose to believe. Is belief truth? New data or better science can change theories... and beware of inaccurate facts. Belief is powerful. Truth, care, and wisdom are a good formula to use before we believe anything in our world. Does data from WIKILEAKS offer a good history of being factual and accurate? Are media data all the same? Are unidentified sources often wrong? Are they properly verified?  

Voter Manipulation by Google.

Watch how Google did it. As explained by Dr. Epstein, Google ran a Search Engine Scam.

New propaganda platforms are being perfected by Internet Media Monopolies. 

Will The Real...  Q Please Stand Up!

Diversity and new business are being eliminated, bought out, or buried by internet monopolies who greatly increase a death grip upon American; business, governance, education, science and religion. Today, free speech, open markets, healthy competition, and open minded societies are on the ropes. Will you succumb to monopolistic empires? Well, I Can't Go For That, No Can Do. So We Ask, Is this Q?


In 2019 massive increases in artificial intelligence programs aka AI have been deployed by monopolies to eliminate competition and maximize their accumulation of wealth. Many AI programs are ruled by two primary missions as their prime directives. Accumulation of wealth aka AW's and Barriers To Entry  aka BTE's seek to control our society. AI utilizes monopolized services to accomplish these missions. Governance, Science, Religion, Education, Defense, Industry, and Health Care are becoming non human monopolies, as AI succeeds.

 Maybe Just Maybe... This is Q?

 Q? How much money did Google execs donate to the Clinton Campaign? A. More than 1.5 million dollars. Q? How much money did Google Execs donate to the Trump Campaign?  A. ZERO dollars and ZERO cents. Q? Who did the policies of major internet monopolies benefit most for that election? A. Clinton. Does research confirm these data? Yes. Sorry, new policies since the election of 2016 are the same but now they are on steroids. Elimination of internet content providers who express diverse opinions and shadow banning countless other content providers are designed ploys by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others. These strategies are implemented already to perfect the propaganda state in America and around the world. Can you feel the truth of that statement?

Rising Smoke As Tweets And Retweets Are Sitting On A Fence.  Who Falls Off ?  Who Is Left? Who Are The American Media Dopes Working For?  The future evolves from the past. Corrupt governments are the rule in 2019. American governance and industry are controlled by multinational monopolies owned by empire oligarchs. Our problems in America can be seen also in London today. Paul Watson presents this compelling video from London. Can this also be seen in New York? Are not these problems also rooted in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and _____________________ fill in the blank?


Freedom of Speech, Open Media, Open Economies, Open Education, Freedom Of Religion, Comprehensive Science, Community Governance, Family Reliance, And Individual Choices Are Paths Societies Can Choose. These paths have historical precedence's. Often, these freedoms are used to form new colonies and/or grow old societies. Many people have used freedoms to advance their common interests. Freedom methodologies have proven benefits including; Renaissance, Prosperity, Health, Honesty, Ethics, and Personal Fulfillment. 

Censorship, Controlled Media, Central Planning and Central Governance Are Another Path.  Applied by any means necessary, these methodologies are backed by Brute Force. Many historical precedence's were and are still used by; Empires, Kingdoms, Communists, Fascists, Dictators and  ... Well, Maybe You Can Fill In The Blank_________________. Many of these societies grow in secrecy, the secret planning is sprung upon a society with grand promises. Later the promises are broken and this is followed by brute force. A nasty recipe, but those methods have empowered a slew of Oligarchs.

When harm is done by slander or false reporting, what can be done to repair the damage? Liability laws create boundaries and licensing penalties help too, in all Free Societies. 

Censorship, lies, and propaganda are used by monopolistic societies with a different standard. Punishment for expressing unauthorized information or opinions are applied by ruling entities, or high members, or controlling entities. Truth, disclosure, facts, lies, circumstance or methods of expressing an opinion has no bearing on the matter. Only permission matters. Good results a State, Kingdom, Empire, Monopoly, etc., are the determining factor in order to receive any permission to express any information or opinions. Free speech is censored and can result in severe punishment for; producers, conveyors, and authors for unauthorized information or opinions that are published or expressed, regardless of truth or anything else. 

In Free Societies, opinions are often expressed anywhere and everywhere by anyone... when expressed properly and disclosed as an opinion, or as humor, or as fiction, or as hearsay, AKA gossip, then the free Societies tolerate and encourage many diverse opinions. In a Free Society slander and false accusation abuses are punished by fair and legal process. In Free Societies, censorship is prohibited. Censorship itself leads to more abuse than does Free Speech. Think about that. This Is Simple logic.

Is America A Free Society?  Has American Become A Monopolistic Society? Open Or Controlled?  Think, Think, Think. Listen, Listen, Listen. Compare information, facts and data with other sources. Good efforts are a worthy cause. 

WikiLeaks Vs The Deep State? Prosecution Or Prostitution? Who Does Julian Assange Work For? Do You Remember When... and/or Are You Looking Forward To Discovery. Who Are The Bad Spies? What Are Their Lies? Who Killed Seth Rich? Will The Real Q Please Stand Up?  Looky Here... New Q-anon posts? O.K. - Y Not?

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Friday, November 29, 2019

November 2019 - FREEDOM Wars - The Free Press News - Fort Bragg.

The Free Press News - Soft Coup D'etat.

The Judge and Jury in America are very often  - Corrupt stooges - who do much dirty work in American courts. Coup d'etat deserves a careful short study. Do a Google search, coup d'etat November 2019. Study the links. 

The X22 Report - Does Dave Make Sense?

Oh my! The coup methods used today promise anything, take everything, then brake any/or every promise. Can that be true? In America? How many times has the soft coup d'etat strategy worked? Where? By who? So many corrupt judicial crooks who buy and sell power... politicians and government employees too.... some on the take, other's by blackmail. In America corruption spreads rampantly taking too much; wealth, freedom, and morality from the people for themselves. 

Judge Jackson? Study her career and politics.

How much does she make under the table?

Ketanji Brown Jackson is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. In 2016, she was reportedly interviewed as one of Barack Obama's potential nominees for the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia. Wikipedia

BornSeptember 1970 (age 49 years), Washington, D.C., United States

Understand how deep state science is used. Where and Y coups are used. Politics aside, criminal methods and actors are testing humanity. Will Americans survive the coup with any freedom? 

Consider Q. After Q Learn Y? Go IntheMatrixxx.

Mental and physical slavery are upon us caused by those who take power from humanity. Today, the soft coup d'etat, is the preferred method to take power and is used often by international oligarch families. They have launched already many coup d'etat around the world with success. Did not a few societies during the Golden Ages outperform all other grandiose empires and conquerors? Study what happened as free thought, innovation, and open free speech fomented dynamic sharing of information by diligent and motivated people. Great leadership from people who earned it with diligent efforts, real facts, solid logic, careful communications, and much cooperation. Those who took power using tanks around the capital or inside the square, or those who orchestrate modern soft coup d'etat using captured media and corrupt schools are evil takers who promise anything and  pit all sides against each other. George Soros is a good case study. Study his use of; education, media, art, and mayhem to profit from espionage in WW2 and now by soft coup d,etat around the world, at a great expense to humanity. Casualties of the soft coup d'etat are buried alive or dead. Seth Rich,  Julian Assange, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and many other's are casualties in America who suffer today from censorship, prison, or death because they exercise/ed free speech. Even small voices like The Free Press News Blog, here in Fort Bragg California, are muzzled today. Mr. Trump and his family are three years now crucified by news monopolies controlled by only a very few people. Even as I write today, mental abuse and slavery grow rampant among us, spawned by censorship and mayhem. Do Infowars exist.
Maybe - Go see for yourself.

Current studies of ongoing soft coups are in Hong Kong, Syria, Iran, Bolivia, France, England, and America. Each reveal modern methods for  coup d'etat that are in progress. It is easier to evaluate coup troubles that are far from home. Why? Threats that are near cause anger and fear which cloud thinking. Understand what is happening. Ask Y. Learn how... and then you are ready to see where. Things become very clear, anger subsides, and  minds sharpen. With clear sharp minds, we can ask for; inspiration, wisdom, and courage from almighty God. With clear, inspired minds sharply focused, we can each do our part well.  

Swamp Rats. Who Are The Crooks? Is DC Corruption Real...  IS DONALD JUST AFRAID OF SLEEPY JOE?  Fear seems a long shot. Joe Is Not Formidable -  Logic and Evidence Indicate Joe Could Be Running for office, to avoid prosecution. Listen To The Ukraine Call By inTHEMatRIXXX below.  What do you think? After the Q... ask Y.

In monopoly games, eventually rolling the dice becomes pointless for most players. This happens as risks for making a move exceed potential rewards. The http internet was free and robust. The internet now is conquered by the https empire. What to do? A free web based upon content and merit for high placement in search parameters can attract many new ventures, new talent too, plus intelligent viewers = capital investments in freedom. Will bold capitalist seize upon this opportunity before freedom is extinct? Will we support new platforms that are being developed now and can the old http platform be made safe using VPN? Can the new platforms compete with the https empire? Monopolies controlled by a few international oligarch families threaten to enslave humanity. Can a free web compete with their diabolical schemes?  A very good question I think. What do you think? Who is Q?

Matrixxx and Shady Do Q-anon. Where are Wikileaks Data and Julian Assange? The AG is not stupid. Is Congress at war with Liberty, Justice and Freedom? Can American governance root out evil from their bowels?  Propaganda, opinion and speculation are not facts. Beliefs are a choice. Y not be aware of what and when we choose to believe. Is belief truth? New data or better science can change theories... and beware of inaccurate facts. Belief is powerful. Truth, care, and wisdom are a good formula to use before we believe anything in our world. Does data from WIKILEAKS offer a good history of being factual and accurate? Are media data all the same? Are unidentified sources often wrong? Are they properly verified?  

Voter Manipulation by Google.

Watch how Google did it. As explained by Dr. Epstein, Google ran a Search Engine Scam.

New propaganda platforms are being perfected by Internet Media Monopolies. 

Will The Real...  Q Please Stand Up!

Diversity and new business are being eliminated, bought out, or buried by internet monopolies who greatly increase a death grip upon American; business, governance, education, science and religion. Today, free speech, open markets, healthy competition, and open minded societies are on the ropes. Will you succumb to monopolistic empires? Well, I Can't Go For That, No Can Do. So We Ask, Is this Q?


In 2019 massive increases in artificial intelligence programs aka AI have been deployed by monopolies to eliminate competition and maximize their accumulation of wealth. Many AI programs are ruled by two primary missions as their prime directives. Accumulation of wealth aka AW's and Barriers To Entry  aka BTE's seek to control our society. AI utilizes monopolized services to accomplish these missions. Governance, Science, Religion, Education, Defense, Industry, and Health Care are becoming non human monopolies, as AI succeeds.

 Maybe Just Maybe... This is Q?

 Q? How much money did Google execs donate to the Clinton Campaign? A. More than 1.5 million dollars. Q? How much money did Google Execs donate to the Trump Campaign?  A. ZERO dollars and ZERO cents. Q? Who did the policies of major internet monopolies benefit most for that election? A. Clinton. Does research confirm these data? Yes. Sorry, new policies since the election of 2016 are the same but now they are on steroids. Elimination of internet content providers who express diverse opinions and shadow banning countless other content providers are designed ploys by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others. These strategies are implemented already to perfect the propaganda state in America and around the world. Can you feel the truth of that statement?

Rising Smoke As Tweets And Retweets Are Sitting On A Fence.  Who Falls Off ?  Who Is Left? Who Are The American Media Dopes Working For?  The future evolves from the past. Corrupt governments are the rule in 2019. American governance and industry are controlled by multinational monopolies owned by empire oligarchs. Our problems in America can be seen also in London today. Paul Watson presents this compelling video from London. Can this also be seen in New York? Are not these problems also rooted in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and _____________________ fill in the blank?


Freedom of Speech, Open Media, Open Economies, Open Education, Freedom Of Religion, Comprehensive Science, Community Governance, Family Reliance, And Individual Choices Are Paths Societies Can Choose. These paths have historical precedence's. Often, these freedoms are used to form new colonies and/or grow old societies. Many people have used freedoms to advance their common interests. Freedom methodologies have proven benefits including; Renaissance, Prosperity, Health, Honesty, Ethics, and Personal Fulfillment. 

Censorship, Controlled Media, Central Planning and Central Governance Are Another Path.  Applied by any means necessary, these methodologies are backed by Brute Force. Many historical precedence's were and are still used by; Empires, Kingdoms, Communists, Fascists, Dictators and  ... Well, Maybe You Can Fill In The Blank_________________. Many of these societies grow in secrecy, the secret planning is sprung upon a society with grand promises. Later the promises are broken and this is followed by brute force. A nasty recipe, but those methods have empowered a slew of Oligarchs.

When harm is done by slander or false reporting, what can be done to repair the damage? Liability laws create boundaries and licensing penalties help too, in all Free Societies. 

Censorship, lies, and propaganda are used by monopolistic societies with a different standard. Punishment for expressing unauthorized information or opinions are applied by ruling entities, or high members, or controlling entities. Truth, disclosure, facts, lies, circumstance or methods of expressing an opinion has no bearing on the matter. Only permission matters. Good results a State, Kingdom, Empire, Monopoly, etc., are the determining factor in order to receive any permission to express any information or opinions. Free speech is censored and can result in severe punishment for; producers, conveyors, and authors for unauthorized information or opinions that are published or expressed, regardless of truth or anything else. 

In Free Societies, opinions are often expressed anywhere and everywhere by anyone... when expressed properly and disclosed as an opinion, or as humor, or as fiction, or as hearsay, AKA gossip, then the free Societies tolerate and encourage many diverse opinions. In a Free Society slander and false accusation abuses are punished by fair and legal process. In Free Societies, censorship is prohibited. Censorship itself leads to more abuse than does Free Speech. Think about that. This Is Simple logic.

Is America A Free Society?  Has American Become A Monopolistic Society? Open Or Controlled?  Think, Think, Think. Listen, Listen, Listen. Compare information, facts and data with other sources. Good efforts are a worthy cause. 

WikiLeaks Vs The Deep State? Prosecution Or Prostitution? Who Does Julian Assange Work For? Do You Remember When... and/or Are You Looking Forward To Discovery. Who Are The Bad Spies? What Are Their Lies? Who Killed Seth Rich? Will The Real Q Please Stand Up?  Looky Here... New Q-anon posts? O.K. - Y Not?

Consider these data. - Add your comment - Share - Correct - Debunk - Rant - Read - Write -  Pray - You control the volume! WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS by Led Zeppelin - Then NOVEMBER RAIN by Guns N' Roses.  Coded Messages? Listen Close. Maybe... But I'm Not Q... R U?

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Monday, December 31, 2018

The Free Press News War Update - Wars and Skirmishes!

See YA Later 2018 - Shadow Banning And Big Brother Blasted The Free Press News With Censoring Technologies. The October 16th Discussion in Alameda California by Tucker Carlson, at the top of the Blog, describes well our dumbed down populace and emergence of thought crime in America. Consider Free Speech and Free Thought Erosion in America. What does 2019 hold in store for us if we are timid and ignorant.

War Update Final Chapter 2018...  War Pirates still plague the earth.  Surprise surprise surprise!  This year War is in The Free Press News... a lot. 

Another skirmish before the strike or... ??? maybe political, banking, and arms family oligarchs ought to rethink what wars hold in store for them, when it is time for them to pay their blood debt and make amends with their maker... Almighty - All Knowing God. Imagine their surprise as they make lame excuses... blind to the end about so many truths and a reality they denied.   

War News 2018 - May 12 - Empire Wars - News Update - The Free Press News
Will American Warlords And Oligarchs Drive Humanity into The Empire Oblivion?

Aloha Michael Rivero - What Really Happened?

Mike is science minded and a free press news reporter broadcasting from Hawaii. His love of America and devotion to her citizens, are balanced. Mike has great respect for freedom, independence, and many cultures. Fair laws and ethics in America? Michael Rivero is agnostic. His wife is not. They are intelligent people who love and respect humanity. They are honest, diligent, news reporters in Hawaii.

The Free Press News SUSPENDED COVERAGE ON JULY 4th 2017 after Financial and Political attacks by authoritarian minded autocrats took a large toll on The Free Press News - peace and prosperity effort by truth and candor.

Wars and foreign insurrections are American foreign policy, promoted and implemented by western oligarch empire families. Their policies of mayhem and insurrection began prior to World War 2 even before WWI had ended. When exactly did America become the private property of these warlords?  Maybe when the colonies began? Or maybe not?  Warlord empire plans in America gained momentum the day they murdered JFK. World empire domination of the USA has increased greatly since WW 2 - accelerated by the murders of; JFK, Bobby, Martin Luther King Jr., and many less famous people like Seth Rich. Entrenched deep state employees enable and preserve power for swamp creatures. A young Bush war president was so excited the day the twin towers were destroyed because he wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and to overthrow or replace too as many foreign governments as he could to make foreign nations into his empire states.  Power turns into monopolies who will plunder, and invade to grow their monopoly empire... that is what they do. If left unopposed then only competition from other oligarch monopoly minded families can interrupt their greed. They  consider the world as theirs to do as they please viewing citizens as their harvest. They are ruthless, selfish, and often evil. Their embedded empire managers - aka - deep state minions - are dedicated  covert operatives. Many DC minions are blackmailed or bribed until they serve criminal gangs of international warlords. American resources and defense belonged to American citizens and not to ruling families. Yet now after countless wars already, new wars are being hatched always by a few who profit, by a huge arms industry and by finance and banking industries. Americans are dominated by these agenda which began in WW2. Korea, Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan are each under duress right now. Only war business is booming around the world as blood debts grow rampantly. Will America have remorse for going Roman on so many nations? Do not American forces kill babies? Children? Women? What about the many casualties in Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Yemen, Afghanistan, Lest not we for get the Indian Wars, the Civil War, and  many, many other secret covert wars? Sometimes babies are killed by error, or insanity, or for genocide...  or for population control, or for profit, or for rituals, or by abortions, so then if the truth be told...  lots of babies are killed for many reasons. Can we turn and cower from actions by our government - when they do wrong? - or when they do unnecessary harm? - Is this not a decision for us to consider?  Do we not own the outcome of our own decisions? Who will be diligent, consider much data well, and choose a way help by their words, videos, pictures, and their deeds?  Or... who will turn away and cower?

X22 Reports from New York
by Dave

Dave delivers thoughtful, diligent, 20 minute concise news reports. These Free Press Economic Geo-political News broadcasts from New York deliver more data than do most three hour broadcasts.

Dave X22 Report = May 11 2018

South Front News

Compare May 2018 War News to last Summer... More or less war?? 

Consider These Data - 

Are you a cyber war target?  

 Reporters are fighting back.

Consider this question. How did Obama, Clinton, Bush, Pelosi, Waters, Comi, and so many other government employees become very wealthy on modest salaries? Who will do their audits? What fake news are breaking about this on CNONews? - Controversial and fearless Alex Jones continues despite 2018 attacks to shut him up and shut him down. Are not free press news reporters a challenge against the one sided propaganda from MSBS - CNoNews - NeoFOX - and other media monopolies?

In 2016, 2017 and 2018 efforts to perfect illegal regime change in America have included voter fraud, murder, and strategic color wars by DC swamp rats. The mass killing events in Las Vegas and other cities increased the political disruptions and the swamp reptiles spread PROPAGANDA from political assassins. ELIMINATION OF many other NEWS SOURCES was implemented by Facebook, YouTube, Google and their puppet controllers to master the media and unleash truth killers. These empire freaks are rooted deep inside American agencies, business, banking, government and the military and they operate all around the world... Sniff that odor? - That stank are  DC monsters who live in infamy. Today we and Trump fight information wars with; media thugs, agency criminals, gangsters in business, and government miscreants. Will oligarchs, central bankers, arms monopolists, and wall street kill us all? Take the odds and join them or bet against the casino and join us. Only you can choose what trail to take.

Add your comments? - Share? - Correct? - Debunk? - Rant? - Pray? - Act on your best and most ethical inspirations.

Do rants bother you? No problem. You control the volume! Rants are optional. Turn down the volume. Some people are bothered... but investigate for themselves these data anyhow... which otherwise they may have ignored. Many nations seek freedom from international, imperial, empire oligarchs. Germany, Greece, Hungry, France, Iceland, Britain, Italy and America are a few who battle empire minded schemes today. Sixteen years ago Russia broke free from their Imperial Soviet Empire oligarchs. What other nations are ready to face down their international, imperial empire oligarchs? Will not peace and prosperity fare well as imperial empire oligarch pirates are defeated?
Mayhem continued in the USA after Donald J. Trump won the election.

Failed efforts to defeat President Trump by insurgents and critics are leading to new accusations and plots for impeachment and/or assassination. China, America, and EU imperial, international, oligarchs expand still new rebel wars to incite color wars. Blaming Putin, MSBS, NeoFox, and CNoNews succumb to oligarch greed. They justify their crimes and plunders by making mayhem and accusations that target President Donald Trump. International oligarchs are experts at coup d'etat plots, having used them all around the world, many times already. Now these oligarchs launch American and European color war campaigns to bolster a waning Imperial Empire. Do not these international oligarchs pose the major threat to world peace today?
Palmyra, Eastern Mosul, Deir Ezzor and Al-Bab -
Attacks by ISIS in Syria including the one that over ran the Syrian Army in
Palmyra sna more in Deir Ezzor near Hamas, and another in Al Bab where ISIS captured Leopard tanks from Turkey troops. These attacks involved thousands of ISIS troops and now a large reinforcement by Syria launch counter attacks. Palmyra is a test of strength. In North Syria, Turkey and Russia are coordinating air intense attacks preparing Al- Bab for the Syrian army counter attack. Recently too, the Israel Air Force attacked, probed, and prodded Syrian defenses. Are more war plans being hatched by oligarchs who benefit from a war in Syria? Could Neocon - NeoLib - empire minded war families be behind some new plunder and pirate ventures executed during the mayhem in Syria? Why threaten world peace with new provocations and lies? Who is bombing who? Misinformation, mystery B-2 flights, and fake news are all a part of the world news. These strategies seem well designed for creating chaos and mayhem. Many puppets today point fingers at everybody... except for NWO empire oligarchs and their Imperial Lord Vader... aka George Soros, his pirates and cohorts.

Supply line attacks, counter attacks, and redeployment rage in ISIS war.
From Al-Raqqa and Hams, north to Hamas near Damascus many battles are escalating. Mapped reports are ready for your consideration. Attacks and counter attacks are resulting in many casualties and deaths. Another question is gaining much attention also. Why is Russia providing air support to Turkey in north Syria? A truck attack in Israel by ISIL or Palestine? Many nations combine forces in Iraq using a fierce war strategy where siege and attack are underway to liberate Mosul. The intense battles in Iraq are making progress and are perfecting the siege around an ISIL army entrenched inside Mosul. Turkey attacked Al-bab and lost their tanks so now are they using Russian air support? Syria pursues ISIS in Palmyra and now they too move their attack on ISIS in a direction toward Al-bab.

Reconstruction in eastern Aleppo. Syrian peace treaties promiss a new start and a new year with mostly good news for people in Syria. Dictators seem less deadly to a Syrian population in 2017 compared to massive murder and plunder unleashed by ISIS and other ruthless rebel gangs over the past 6 years. ISIS minded killers are picking new targets in 2017 - against innocent civilians in many nations. These included a 2017 new year celebration attack in Turkey by a gunman for the Islamic empire who declared they were killed as infidels. Murder by this gunman ended when he escaped, after killing 39 people whom he declared guilty of being Christians and/or other Pagans celebrating an unholy event. The escaped killer is still free - wanted dead or alive for mass murder homicide. Captured alive he is valuable for information reasons. Any person in the USA with any knowledge about this event should contact the FBI.

Border changes are a part of the peace plan for Syria.
These peace plans include Russia, Turkey, Iran and a few rebels who can agree to Syrian proposals. The war in Syria recently moved nearer Turkey where ISIS captured tanks from Turkey in the battle for Al -Bab, in Syria.

The Syrian army pursues rebels and ISIS invaders who escaped Aleppo. Syria is creating buffer zones for refugees. Turkey invaded Al -Bab and lost the battle allowing ISIS to capture their Leopard tanks. The Russian ambassador then was murdered. Then a large Russian jet crashed and a NATO banker was murdered that may have been collateral damage? Amid all of these events, Turkey points a finger at the CIA linking them to a Turkey policeman who murdered the Russian ambassador.

Aleppo Fell After Five Years Of Siege - How Long Will Mosul Stand?

Mosul is under fierce attack as eastern sections already are under the control of Iraq forces. Long siege strategies may not be needed in Mosul. Casualties over the short term using a more aggressive policy than was used in Aleppo, will be higher in Mosul.  However, overall damage and death can be less than was inured by Aleppo from their protracted siege.

The radio and internet are tools for freedom. Will America provide honest leadership?
Has Not The White House... Become The House of the Rising Sun?

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Free Press News Daily Update - Wars - Politics - Economics - November 2016

Wednesday, 2016 November 30th War and economic news updates - Today Syria accepted surrender by many rebel and ISIS forces in Aleppo as they attacked the city from the east. Yesterday Syria attacked Turkey supported rebel troops west of Aleppo. The Syrian army are repelling rebel invaders as well as ISIS who each pose a risk for sparking new wars. Turkey still blackmails the EU demanding they be paid withheld funds owed to them by the EU or they will send millions of war refugees into Europe. Combined Syrian and YPG forces attack ISIS in Aleppo and also rebels from the east armed by Turkey. Syria must cut supplies from Turkey rebels that help ISIS in Aleppo.

US special forces are in Syria and they are armed to the teeth.          

Over the weekend a Syrian or YPG small truck mounted with machine gun and four men was destroyed by Israel near their border. Details are unfolding.This was an air strike by Israel. So far it seems an isolated event, with no news of retaliation or invasion. Border provocations for testing defensive responses are not new tactics for Israel.
The campaign to liberate Mosul from ISIS in Iraq benefits from NATO support.

Consider the four+ year siege on ISIS in Aleppo as it nears an end.
War reports include battlefield video.

War news from Iraq describe a new siege as it begins in Mosul. NATO and Russian forces are engaged in both Iraq and Syria with ISIS being more the target than each other. Turkey remains a wild card of NATO playing many sides in the wars to expand Imperial influence and their borders well inside Iraq and Syria. Russian cruse missiles and advanced weapons protect Syrian troops who advance to finish the siege upon Aleppo. Turkey backed invaders are also moving toward Aleppo posing risks for engagements with Syria or the YPG that could ignite new wars with Russia. A Russian aircraft carrier attacks ISIS with SU 33 bombers as the siege becomes a seize of Aleppo. Rooting ISIS from other regions in Syria are nearer too - to perfection. Arms businesses in nations around the world watch Russian helicopters, aircraft, tanks, armored vehicles, and missiles operating in Syria. War business is booming. Research by Google search - world arms sales 2012 through 2016 - read the data and see for yourself the huge increases in world wide military industrial arms sales and profit. Who can plan better, safer, world trade agreements without considering profit motives by the arms industry?  Mass overproduction of military, industrial, arms and munitions which is harming most people to benefit a few, especially benefiting oligarchs owning military, industrial, monopolies. Many weapons are outdated quickly. like computers or electronics military industrial products are updated frequently. Unused products are sold to highest bidders whenever possible, to increase profits. Creating wars increases demand for military products by increasing fear purchasing and causing military product and munition replacements. The war industry has and will always cost humanity far more than it can contribute. Having the most advanced and prepared national defense to defend from invasion and subversion while ending foreign invasion and subversion in other nations... may be the best modern foreign policy and also the best recipe for success in America.  Let's encourage leaders from all nations to discuss these and other intelligent, rational ideas. Solving these problems through open discussions in plain view on the internet instead of allowing a DC press core to collude to continue the CNONEWS, MSBS, FOXNEONEWS monopoly broadcasting of oligarch minded propaganda makes good sense. This is why they oppose a Roger Banon liberation of news media. If Trump can tweet to us so can the other world leaders - we can challenge all brave leaders of this world. Let's not allow any world leader to shrink or hide from this important work. Trump has bypassed propaganda by his direct communication. No wonder CNoNews, MSBS, and NEOox lie to us and pressure people to do things to profit themselves. We can focus efforts in open view on these important issues. You can help too as you focus public awareness on important war and peace issues. Why not bring a better, enduring peace solution into the realm of possibility in DC? Can  not America reduce war through intelligent trading policies and improved defense policies? Why not eliminate foreign invasions and end subversion too, by striking them and all their related policies, from DC governance? Were not American support for invasion and subversion policies created by international empire oligarchs? Who can stop their influence over our DC government today?

Recent Syrian War Reports.

Swamp gas in DC - Made known throughout this election season. 

News media monopolies are colluded with government in America producing fake news broadcasts with lies and propaganda choreographed by imperial minded agendas. Ironic is how they now use private companies like Facebook to attack news competition, by putting their competition on Fake News black lists. The Mosul soege are filled with hidden agenda by warring families, allowing many ISIS troops to evacuate prior to attack. Wikileaks reveals evidence of the real corrupt news media colluded with criminal; oligarchs, monopolies, political parties, governance, FBI, Department of Justice, central bankers, and Wall Street families. Washington D.C. is pwned by international oligarchs. These people plunder wherever they please. Russia has little to do with the western oligarch agenda. They have to defend against oligarchy attacks as do all nations. History proves this fact.  Media and arms industries are adept at being war instigators. A collusive media sell choreographed propaganda to hack and attack from many angles whatever they are told to sell. Politically timed events are manufactured and directed by international oligarchs to benefit themselves and their empires. The U.N. controls our American Internet  by executive order from President Obama, already in effect which began 30 days ago. So, the fake news decisions are to be UN regulated issues... not decided by Americans. The empire wars continue to grow.



noun a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

  1. "the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president"
    a country governed by an oligarchy.
    "the English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century"
    government by oligarchy.


Trey Gowdy is one of a few in DC who will discuss if laws seek to define what is right for all people... should this not include oligarchs.

Oligarchs include many insane, plunder minded, warring families who are exacting enormous costs upon humanity. Many experts and scientists working in; military, economics, politics, medicine and social sciences agree that today vast empires run by oligarchs are colluded with industrial and financial monopolies. Management by with puppets are applied to governance and industry. Was not even Abraham Lincoln bent hard to become a puppet for a few vicious, industrial monopoly, oligarch families? 

All presidents are confronted by powerful oligarchs who bend them to work for their benefit. Cconsider some history about Lincoln and who bent him for their benefit. Most people not have heard many of these historical facts about Abe Lincoln - here's a link to consider these data.

INFOWARS reporters and Alex Jones will investigate where cowards dare not tread. Truth in media - Fake Not News with great rants? You decide. Have not MSBS NBC, CNONEWS CNN, and NEOFOXlies Fox colluded, lied, and propagandized America to create a fake, not news, propaganda, monopoly? Do these media monopolies work for criminal elements?  Who will champion ethics in media? 

Are Texas INFOWARS Reporters deplorable and without Merritt? - Psyops and Propaganda ? 

Empires pose great risk to humanity. Empires use war for conquest, depopulation, and plunders as agendas. Powerful people hide behind world warming rhetoric acting concerned for less privileged people. In truth, most world shakers are maniacs seeking glory for themselves... but death for a majority of everyone else. Today, famous people are villains like Soros, royal Saudi families, and Rothschilds families. They are hiding in plain view...along with their puppets Bush, Clinton, Obama and their minions of empire enthusiasts who wage wars and destruction. Do they intend to fight to their death... or maybe - to ours? What....? Michael Rivero - What Really Happened - The Hawaiian Free Press News Less ranting with more whining - Aloha Mike - Truth seeking are his heart and core.


Wikileaks evidence reveal much data from whistle blowers who are concerned about crimes of state. 

Oligarchs control both political parties in AmericaWhat about the world? Are Europeans or Japanese less gullible?  Does China smile and fineness America as they side with Putin? Do Bush, Obama, and Clinton regimes collude with oligarchs to plunder America and the world? Does Trump plan how to dispel and defeat corruption and high crime? Trump has begun draining the swamp in DC following his victory in the election and soon he can bring new war strategies to NATO. American news media collude with corrupt government officials and lobbyist to benefit war industrialists and financial oligarchs who plunder and enrichment themselves by war. What policies for Iraq will emerge from Trump foreign policy? Turkey?  Are Saudi invaders ready to quit after Yemen? Can they lose that war?  Now ISIS is underground and spreading abroad. DC swamp gas erupts as highly combustible truth serums are applied to organized DC criminals. The world is witness to varied and many smelly effects from George Soros mayhem making. Will not sounder minds deescalate wars? American patriots investigate George Soros and his corrupt influence within American; governance, courts, Justice Department, and FBI. What new agendas are unleashed now by greedy, unholy international oligarchs? Crime waves are in the streets labeled as protests... proving roots in professional riots are planned, paid, and funded by subversive people including George Soros. Who can say Soros crime does not pay? Rumors are being investigated that $30 per hour is paid to thugs to operate on the streets causing mayhem and riots in America, and small arms businesses are booming.s by politicians and cohorts rooted inside Washington DC ?
 The Nightly News by INFOWARS "    

War for wealth, power, and beliefs.  Attackers and defenders. 

Each person is responsible for their vote and opinion concerning wars during their adult lifetime. Abdication carries a burden and responsibility for doing nothing. Consider war data carefully and show you care..

Do British know empire madness? Empires conquer and subdue all free people... taking more than they give. 

War and subversion. Where do you fit in? The clock is ticking. Study these war data... what is your roll in today's war? How much responsibility do you accept for your choice? 
Arms Business Is Booming - Weapons are profits for international oligarchsGeorge Soros - Is He Lord of The Ring? Has He Succumbed To The Dark Ring Power?

 Trump - Can He Clean House In DC... Who can

Fire DC Oligarchs and Their Gangs? 
Clinton - What Difference Does It Make?

Washington D.C.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary 

Juice Rap News from Australia -
The NWO by Bill de'Berg -

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