Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31 - World War 3 News - Stefan Molyneux - INFOWARS - X22 Report - Dr.Paul Craig Roberts - Alex Jones - Ethics In America

2015 July 31 - The Free Press News - Recent work by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Ethics and moral responsibilities are missing in America. Nuclear war and depopulation are being staged in 2015 by The Imperial NATO Empire. Many wise people including Noam Chomsky, Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, Jim Marrs, Michael Rivero, Mark Dice, and Dave in New York are providing world news information with proof blood debt from wars have negative rates of return for earth and humanity. Real economic science and real political science. Less anti-science propaganda. Add your comment? Share? Debunk? Correct? or...?

Compelling information -  by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Dear friends,
The Eroding Character of the American People — Paul Craig Roberts
Be in the palm of some fool’s hand?
To see him obviously framed
Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
Where justice is a game.—Bob Dylan, “Hurricane”

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