Free Speech WW3 News - Alex Jones - Vladimir Putin - Dr Paul Craig Roberts - Free Press 2015

Breaking News - Alex Jones, Vladimir Putin, and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts apply political science to defuse escalation of World War 3 in 2015. WW3 started mostly as cold and economic wars that were stoked by political anti-science and has erupted now into several hot wars. Today ww3 dances with nuclear and viral escalation. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Alex Jones and Vladimir Putin are political scientists making a case for peace and freedom.  None lack courage or ethics required to stand for peace as they lead resistance against those who profit from ww3 including; George Soros, Nathan Rothschild, members of royal families, and leaders of the European and American bank and military industries. World government benefactors advocate and are resolved to commit high crimes and war crimes to expand harshly their power as they continue taking more from people everywhere in the world. War or Peace?  Do you see a world war 3 plan for more 2015 escalation?  Consider the information on The Free Press News.  Add your comment. Share, correct or debunk the mistakes.
