Alex Jones Free Speech - Charlie Hebdo - JFK Free Press News - 2015

Alex Jones has much to say about free speech, free internet, media and the free press. Some people say Alex Jones is insane, violent and wicked. Sometimes he is., On the other hand, no other news media can compare to his frequency of accuate, truthful facts. Alex Jones JNFOWARS news coverage of political science is thorough. Courage, peresaverance, and relentless pursuit for truth in the news best describes Alex Jones. I remember when a leader of our nation addressed American media and instructed them to do their job fearlessly, with truth and precision to protect America from opposing efforts to take culture, tradition,  freedom, and liberty. The Free Press News shares a speech today to honor Charlie Hebdo Magazine for their courage and also Alex Jones INFOWARS for practice and heedance to this request from great American president, JFK.
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