Ebola Update - Nightly News Broadcast - October 3 2014 -

Actions of Ebola health care workers can be improved and the responsible governance needs a new coach. The war on Ebola is nearly lost, as a window to defeat this enemy may be as short as only 4 weeks. There are seven nations embattled by Ebola and body counts are growing fast including health professionals dead from the disease,  If  professional doctors and nurses continue dying from Ebola, how can politicians claim they can defeat it?  Consider actions of the American CDC in Dallas. Today's Nightly News broadcast raises many questions concerning those actions. Is FEMA part of a strategic disease response plan? Does the CDC have enough talent, resources, capabilities to defeat Ebola? Mutation of Ebola and detailed reports on what science can and are being applied to this disease. Please consider the condensed short broadcast. Do some research and share what you find. The below link has much data including data on large numbers of dead health professionals. There were 181 dead health care professionals from Ebola on September 23, 2014 - nearly 350 professionals had been diagnosed with Ebola on that same date, no information on how or how many many health care professionals had been cured.
Scientific American Ebola - Statistics - opens in a separate window - Listen here while you read this.   Add a comment? - Share? - Debunk?  
