American News October 14 - Alex Jones and Amy Goodman - 2014 - Edward Snowden - Ebola - Wars

Today, a call for heads by Edward Snowden, demanding from American governance a prosecution of high crimes by politicians and private elites - plus an end to persecution of American citizens. His facts are compelling. Politics and budget arguments continue in Washington today despite the fact their is no budget. A budget is a plan to invest and spend what the government has. This government is continuing plans to spend what it has, plus what is does not have, plus what it can extract from American citizens, plus what it can take from other nations, plus what it can take from America's resources. This government wants to continue their empire game. Taking from others as a way forward. Empires fail. Where is the moral American government? Time to give back and trade away all that has been taken from others to make America great again.  Amy Goodman and Democracy Now produced the following 15 minute broadcast today, the nightly news and headline news from INFOWARS plus the Alex Jones full radio broadcast are in the right column today along with The Savage Nation Radio broadcast, all are here on The Free Press News Blog. Bringing diligent attention to American plans for Ebola and foreign wars and the economy. All are exposed today by these free speech broadcasts. We can each do something about this trouble.
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